You are invited to join a voyage of deep, feminine consciousness as we journey to meet the centre of the cosmic womb where all creation is brought forth from the thick blackness of living light.

Sisters from all over the world are called to join this tapestry that we shall braid together, weaving the red thread of rhythmic womb consciousness and the medicine of the feminine aspect back into our lives and hearts.

Together we will travel through 13 lunar cycles, new and full moons, 4 seasons, 4 elements and 8 solar festivals as we remember the ancient ways of being in reciprocity with the Earth, stars, moon and sun.


Your wildness is a reflection of the wildness found woven through the landscapes all around you.

These 13 moonths will be a journey of landing back into reciprocity with the great all-that-is and allowing Her tides to flow through you once again. Finding your own voice and way of honouring the Earth with ritual, ceremony, song and sisterhood as we remember the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.​

We will spend our time together drawing heaven to Earth, witnessing the spiral dance of the Cosmos, honouring those cycles and their tidal pull.

We will explore the lands we walk upon - whether or not they are our home by blood - we must weave ourselves back into the landscapes.

We will connect with our ancestral lines, of both blood and place - seeding the prayer of the feminine aspect through the dreamtime of the wise grandmothers, into the Earth beneath our feet.


Celebrate the turning of the great wheel, acknowledging each of the major moments within the year and the shifting seasons.


Learn how to harness the power of the zodiac and the energetic imprints of the stars, tuning into cosmic codes to create, explore and live in union with the feminine powers of creation.


Connect with and explore divine feminine archetypes as a way of attuning to the shifting seasons, connecting with the codes of creation through mythology and ritual honouring.


The number 13 is sacred to the Goddess. With 13 lunar cycles in a year, and most women experiencing 13 menstural cycles in a year, the number 13 is profoundly connected to the deep and somewhat forgotten feminine consciousness.Together we will travel through her 13 moons of the year, remembering her rhythms, her songs, her music and her cyclic nature so that we may reclaim these ancient codes of creation.You will be guided in a dance of remembrance, so that you may live a more aligned, empowered and awakened life in the flow of your own rhythm, inspired by the cycles and spirals 


The great cosmic womb is calling her children home. Feel the songs and stories of the ancient ways rising from deep within your womb space. A remembrance of the old and wild ways.As Her voice rises from deep within the crystalline heart of Gaia, and the Earth matrix sings her sweet melodies of returning through the songlines and dreamtimes, will you receive her call?This year long immersion will connect you back to the codes of creation. Guiding you to tap back in to your innate, feminine power and the wellspring of beauty, inspiration and creativity that arises from the consciousness of our Mother Earth.

This course is closed for enrollment.